I Hate Shadows!

Now you may think creepypastas a a peice of shit well this one is I didn't get her name though
I lived a lovely life but Somthing been bothering me. Ever sents I moved to a new town I been seeing weird things I can't really explain. I was in the my car with my friends and it was 91 degrees outside.then I got the feeling of death I looked at the forest near by but my friends couldn't see it. My friend Marcy put on gentleman and I got unconfteble.
I looked at the forest a couple more minutes and saw a person fall off. I screamed in fright but my friends wondered what was the matter then I heared a voice saw I'm beautiful too?
It was a little 13 year old girls voice I didn't respond back Becuase I was scared. My friends pulled the car over over and checked if I was alright I looked at the sky and it seemed like it was going to rain. I looked at my friends and it appeared that my arm was bleeding. My friends took me home and I woke up around 4:56 AM and I heard a crash sound outside, but it was just raining and there was lighting. It flashed and flashed again but I saw someone behind me then I turned the light on. No one was in my room but there was a runic sign and some kind of eye sketch drawing. I ran down stairs to get my mom, I found my mom hanged up and her corpses were everywhere the I heard a voice say you left me! Why? Then I looked behind me then she said smile. I was knocked out for a couple days then went to a orphan place. It was not in that deadly town I'm never welcoming myself there ever again.
Wasn't that a peice of shit well your choice